Top Tricks for Avoiding Untrustworthy Trade Show Display Suppliers
You’ve probably noticed, but when you research products online, there are generally a lot of choices. The rise of the Internet as the new global marketplace has resurrected a lot of very old tricks, and added new tricks, used by unscrupulous retailers. It’s easier than ever to hide a supply chain with counterfeits, or to claim physical assets that don’t actually exist, and lure careless buyers into choices they may later regret.
There are ways of discovering which online sites can be trusted with your money. In fact, it’s also easier than ever to uncover these shady practices; it just takes a bit of care and time. To really research a trade show display vendor – or any other online store – you just have to put on your detective cap and do a little sleuthing.
Today’s reality is that we are all buyers and sellers. Our “day job” may be selling one type of product, but in the evening and weekends we’re all consumers too, and we’re all buying more and more of our needs online.
So today, we present a handy guide to vetting online vendors; these tips will work for any online store, but we hope you will consider them as you look for your next trade show supplier too!
Getting Your Money’s Worth from Online Trade Show Display Suppliers
1 – Is their contact info rated Top Secret?
Step 1 is easy. If you’re dealing with a vendor that doesn’t list an actual address and phone number on their website, that should be a dealbreaker right there.
We’re living in an age where you can buy a PO Box “office” in half the countries of the world, and use a virtual secretary service to answer the phone. There’s absolutely no reason a legitimate vendor wouldn’t have contact info listed, or that they would try to hide that contact information. After all, who would you call for trade show display support?
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