Trade Show and Event Tips

Lead Management

Almost 80% of leads generated are never followed, according to the Center For Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR). Rather than sending your hard-fought trade show leads into the abyss, strive to be part of the elite 20% that actually follow up on their leads! We’ve heard horror stories of exhibits pulled out of storage to prepare for a show ­ only to find the leads from the previous show still packed with the exhibit. What a tragedy! Remember, trade shows are very effective tools to create qualified leads. They could also be an effective media to create sales ­ but only if the leads are followed up appropriately.
6a.  6 tactics to increase the effectiveness of your lead follow-up
  1. Regardless of whether you are using an electronic lead management system, have your own lead form for capturing specific information. When you create the form, get your sales organization (who will be using it) to review it prior to giving it to them to use at the show. Get early buy-in.
  2. Train your staff how to capture information in the interview process. What information should they be seeking that will be beneficial to follow-up?
  3. Discipline your staff to categorize your leads – “A”, “B”, “C” as they are generated, and review them each night for completeness.

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