EditorialTrade Show and Event Tips

Cutting Corners

I am sure many of you are reading the title and thinking, what?  But there are instances where you can cut corners, or in better terms, get a little creative, in your trade show marketing.  But beware when cutting the wrong corners can make for a mess.

Demonstrations:  Getting creative – making a demo that powerful, even if it is simple. You don’t need to have a Las Vegas type demonstration going on. Sometimes a simple demo can be powerful, if the message clearly ties into the booth, and it shows how your products and services can make the attendee’s life easier. Making a mess – showing that same demonstration year after year.  Not only does it show a lack of creativity, it makes it seem that your company doesn’t have anything new to offer the attendee.  That is a message you want to avoid.

Social media:  Getting creative – using ‘in house talent’ to post and keep content fresh.  I like the idea of having someone on the inside provide content for your social media channels.  They have a passion for, and understanding of, what you do, and are already employed.  Making a mess – using the same talent to develop social media strategy. Unless your go-to person is an actual digital strategist, this most likely will end up in disaster. I use the analogy of the car: just because you can drive one doesn’t mean you should be tinkering around under the hood to fix it.  There is no shame in recognizing you lack that specific talent, and bringing in a consultant to handle it.  Social media is a pretty powerful tool, but in amateur hands, you won’t reap the benefits.

See more at: TSNN – When You Can Cut Some Corners


By Lisa Apolinski, a professional speaker, blogger, and digital strategist

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