
How To Make Your Event More Green In 2015!

A new year means new ways to make your events even more green. Going green is a constant progression and as technologies change and your goals transform there are going to be new ways to up your green game. From incorporating tech aspects to engaging your customers and finding ways to use recycled materials, here are some ways you can make your event more green in 2015.

Create an App

Whether your goal is to make the ordering process easier or just to engage with your customers an app will get the job done and cut down on paper in the form of order forms, handouts and catalogs. Creating an app gives your customers a way to interact with your brand, learn about your business and your green goals.  It’s not as difficult as it might seem and I have a great team that specializes in app development. Find a good team and the process will actually be fun and will leave you with a great green ROI.

Spread the Word and Engage Your Customers

You can easily spend a lot of time making your event green, and there is no reason why you shouldn’t let everyone know! There are several perks to transparency: first, your customers know that you don’t just talk about being green, but you actually are green and second, sharing your green story can also inspire others to follow your lead. Reducing your environmental impact clearly helps the planet, but if you can motivate others to incorporate green changes into their events and daily routines that will extend your green impact even further.

See more at: TSNN – How To Make Your Event More Green In 2015


Shane Shirley is CMO for SBS Brands

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