DesignExhibitor Tips

3 Questions Your Trade Show Booth Needs to Answer

Trade show exhibits are very similar to billboards; attendees need to be able to comprehend its message in less than 5 seconds in order to get their attention as they are walking down the aisles. With very little time to draw people to your booth, there are 3 questions that need to be answered in order to peak their interest and get them to stop and talk to you and your staff.

1.Who are you?

It’s astounding how many exhibitors fail to tell attendees who they are. Without clearly answering this question throughout your booth, potential leads could be walking right by, not realizing what products or services are offered. Design your booth around who your company is and your company motto through graphics, promotional materials, signage, colors, etc.

2.What do you do?

Now that you have established who you are through the design of your trade show display, its important attendees know what your company does. Communicate with your audience what products or services you sell in order for them to determine whether or not they would be interested in what your business has to offer just by simply glancing at your booth. Include bullet points on your booth graphics that describe what you have to offer your customers in as few words as possible. Since attendees will take a few seconds of their time to scope out your booth as they are walking the aisle, they won’t take the time to read a detailed list. Make it short and simple in order for potential customers to understand what you do much easier.

See more at: TSNN – 3 Questions Your Trade Show Booth Needs to Answer


Kristin Hovde is the Website Manager and Blogger for Smash Hit Displays

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