Thoughts on Trade Shows and COVID-19
In the midst of this growing COVID-19 outbreak there are numerous changes happening. Many places are putting extra attention to upping cleaning efforts and increasing hand sanitizing stations. Schools are increasing spring breaks and/or going to fully online classes. Out of an abundance of caution, countless events are being cancelled or postponed, including several trade shows.
Shows and their partners continue to monitor COVID-19 via the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). They are working with numerous stakeholders, including health agencies, suppliers an venues to stay on top of the latest information available to develop precautionary measures to further reduce health risks at events, but it’s hard. The well-being of all involved in these shows is the number one priority, so many conferences are deciding to cancel or postpone in the best interest of everyone involved.
Personal thoughts
As an employee of a trade show company, I am acutely aware of the situation regarding the coronavirus. I have personally seen over a dozen shows being cancelled in less than a week. My initial view on show cancellations/postponements is that the coronavirus is getting worse, not better, with no true resolution currently, making it quite unlikely for many of these shows to be rescheduled (at least for the year).
Company thoughts
We, as a business, have seen firsthand the drastic impact it has had on our clients and the industry as a whole. We are committed to supporting our clients during this time and will continue to provide excellent service, as we always have. Our team will travel and support our clients onsite for any and all shows that go on. For shows that are cancelled we will coordinate to get your shipments returned and help to document any work that had to be done and has to be taken down before a show cancellation for any client’s insurance purposes.
Our company knows how important these face to face meetings and events are to grow and maintain business, so we are going to do whatever we can to help them continue.
Last thought…
With this growing epidemic, is the idea of virtual trade shows going to become more prevalent? Who knows, but it’s certainly an idea to explore more.
Article Written by Krista Kaegbein, Creative Director from PRO Expo Exhibits