Trade Show and Event Tips

International Exhibiting – The Tips to Know

International Exhibiting at a trade show in another country can bring unique challenges. 


International exhibiting is possible during a career in events and trade shows. With our world becoming connected on a minute-by-minute basis it becomes easy to overlook cultural differences in business. Exhibiting across the pond brings a unique set of challenges and requirements that must be addressed well in advance. Check out these exhibiting differences:

efficient ways to get around the city (1)


Clearly there are vast differences in each region. The amount of shipping and logistics must also be factored in while international exhibiting. Shipping and customs will add weeks to your transportation times, and can be difficult to navigate. It’s critical to find a supplier in the region you’re exhibiting at that deals with daily detail to receive the best price and time possible. Remember exhibitors in the United States often plan up to a year in advance for their booth’s. In Europe it’s not uncommon to have preparations being made weeks before showtime. Therefore it’s important to respect the time differences in each culture. Renting a trade show booth is also common practice overseas due to the high shipping costs. 

Communication is also necessary. Language barriers can be a problem if exhibiting in places such as France or South Korea. Try to read up on the cultural differences you may be facing. Have proper resources for adequate understanding close by. 

In regards to mobiles, remember you will need a special data plan to use overseas. Take advantage of WiFi if you do not want an international plan. Keep apps and special features closed or uninstalled to avoid costly data fee’s. Keeping special attention to your electronics is also necessary. Be sure to pack a power adapter or two for even the most basic of devices. 

Look for more in-depth information on international exhibiting later this year!


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