Exhibitor Tips

Wrapping Up Summer SetUp!

PRO Expo Exhibits is proud to introduce our new ‘Summer SetUp’ series! 

While enjoying the warmer air and outside events, the fall season is just around the bend -marking a key time for all trade show professionals to strategize.


As we’ve highlighted in this Summer SetUp series, exhibiting at a trade show requires careful planning and considerations. Simple tasks such as unloading packaging and installing lights can quickly become budget blunders if not planned in accordance with show regulations. Booth designs should stand out from the crowd without causing a distraction, while keeping. While all of these basics seem overwhelming at first, it’s important to remember why you’re diving into the trade show industry to begin with.





There is nothing more satisfying than meeting leads and customers in person. Today’s mobile world carries strong importance, but is yet to replicate the effect of a good first impression. Trade shows provide companies with deep insight and direct business opportunities from across the country and globe. The atmosphere of excitement and anticipation surrounds the senses while new products are shown in real time. When you shake the hand of a new customer, realizing that your goals are carefully aligning after months of hard work and frustration, it all becomes worth it.

It is with great satisfaction we wrap up our ‘Summer Setup’ series and begin the busy fall season ahead. However, our space at Trade Show Best Practices is not cooling down. Stay tuned as we guide you through the hectic months ahead in all things exhibits and asset management.

Let’s review the insight: 

Stay tuned four our next series: ‘Ten Day’s of Rentals!’ 


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