Exhibitor TipsTrade Show and Event Tips

Smart Ways to Leverage the Second Screen at Your Next Event Sponsorship

Mobile Phones & Sponsorship

Look around at any trade show or conference, and you’ll see attendees with their heads down and their eyes locked on their phones. This isn’t surprising considering that Americans spend 162 minutes on their mobile devices every day. What is surprising is just how many brands are missing out on this opportunity to engage their target audience during event sponsorship’s.

Creating a second-screen experience is a noninvasive but highly effective way to take your sponsorship to the next level. In preparation for the American Music Awards of 2013, for instance, Coca-Cola leveraged its sponsorship by allowing teens to help create the official track of the Coca-Cola Red Carpet LIVE! digital pre-show. The contest was a fun way for teens to collaborate, vote, and anticipate the show. More importantly, it connected teens to the Coca-Cola brand.

The more you can engage your target audience at an event, the greater ROI you’ll see from your sponsorship. And what better way to reach your audience than on their mobile devices?

– See more at: TSNN


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