Trade Show and Event Tips

Get More Out of Your Social Media Posts

Social Media

Most of us treat social media posts and interactions as having ephemeral experiences – seen today, forgotten tomorrow. But, as practiced marketers well know, there always are some posts that deserve a much longer shelf life.

When a customer posts a complimentary testimonial or when your organization posts about a prestigious award win, these are messages that you should be promoting and circulating to help you spread the word about your brand.

Here are three nifty ways to drive engagement for your social media messages:

1.Embed into your event website, blog and e-newsletters
Embedding individual tweets or Facebook posts in relevant pages and articles on your websites is a surefire method for reinforcing the point you wish to make.        This is a much better option than taking a screen shot of the messages because the embedded widgets come with real-time interactivity, enabling web visitors to take social actions such as Like, Retweet, etc.

2.Turn it into a blog post
Social media conversations, whether curated or spontaneous, often bring new ideas or perspectives to the forefront. Instead of letting a great idea die, use it and elaborate upon it in a thoughtful blog post. If done well, this in turn, can generate further productive interactions amongst your followers online. And, of course, be sure to embed the original message in your blog post!

– See more at: TSNN-Social Media

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