Trade Show and Event Tips

5 Keys to Great Tradeshow Selling

Tradeshow attendees are unique, they want to discover something – and as such, you can’t sell to them in the same way you would to a prospect in a corporate boardroom. Follow these five steps to more effectively engage potential customers at your next tradeshow.

1) Greetings

Even during the busiest times, always extend your hand, smile and learn your prospect’s name.

Pro tip: Take a look at the prospect’s name badge and refer to him or her by name throughout the conversation.

2) Identifying needs

Ask the attendee what he or she is looking for today so you can identify and address problems your prospect is struggling with.

Pro tip: If you don’t have the right solution, recommend a nearby vendor who does. The attendee with appreciate your forthrightness (so will your fellow exhibitor).

3) Asking and listening

Ask the prospect the key questions up-front (budget, priorities, etc.), listen to the answers and use these to guide the conversation. Don’t jump the gun. Instead, let customers have the forum to describe their pain points. Notice body language. Do they appear bored? If they are interested and ready to close, take steps to move the business forward.

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