Exhibitor Tips

Trade Shows Can Reduce Trash and Go Greener

By Drew Hendricks

With over 600,000 tons of trash generated annually, trade shows produce the second most amount of waste, following behind the construction industry, according to Smash Hit Displays.

Each year trillions of flyers, samples, boxes, and bags are thrown away at these events. According to Smash Hit Displays, around 60 million people attend trade shows annually. On average, each individual will produce around 20 pounds of waste at these venues – that’s over 1 billion pounds of waste a year!

So positively impacting the environment while promoting brand awareness should be the goal of every organization at a trade show.

The infographic below goes on to share some effective ways to limit the impact that trade shows have on the environment. For example, instead of handing out paper flyers, organizations can use digital content solutions like custom flash drives, tablets, and smartphones to share their brochures and catalogs.

Trade shows could also reduce their environmental impact by incorporating proper waste bins to separate recyclable materials from other trash. The report then goes on to list the many benefits of using recycled materials when building out trade show displays.

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