Exhibitor Tips

Don’t Just Stand There in Your Trade Show Booth, Do Something!

Do you want to stand out in your trade show exhibit? Then don’t just stand there, do something!

Gone are the days when you could just stand in your booth and enough people would walk in. Now, while a few will, it won’t be enough to make your trade shows profitable.

To get more people into your booth, you’ve got to do something. You need to do something that catches their eye, stops them in their tracks, and draws them in. Here are 4 suggestions:

1. Get on Your Feet and Talk to Attendees

For most booth staffers this is a big challenge. Talking to strangers as they pass by their booth is simply outside their comfort zone. So they unfortunately stay deep inside their booth, waiting for the select few attendees who walk in on their own accord. Exceed your peers by standing at the edge of your booth, and engaging people with a good opening line, such as “What are you looking for at the show?”, “Have you seen our newest product?”, or “Where are you from?” If you want more booth staffing ideas, click here.

2. Demonstrate Your Products

By demonstrating your product, you create movement that gets attention, and you intrigue prospects so that they will discover a better solution to their problems. So, demonstrate why your product is better than your competitors’ products. Make the benefits as clear as possible so that attendees walking by your booth will instantly understand how you can help them. You can start your demo before there is anyone in your booth – eventually they will stop, and if they don’t, you didn’t lose anything for your time. Demos are one of the best promotion ideas – for more, click here.

If your product is so big you can’t afford to bring it to the show, then find a way to demo the key aspect that clients will grasp and see your competitive advantage. If it is too small, then use a movie camera to project an enlarged live video image onto a big monitor near your demo. If you don’t have a physical product to demo, then find a way to communicate your message, such as a presentation – the next point:

See more at: Don’t Just Stand There in Your Trade Show Booth, Do Something!


Mike Thimmesch, Director of industry relations for Skyline Exhibits – November 16, 2014

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